Transfer Admissions Rates for US News 2012 Added

We just added the recently released Fall 2010 transfer admissions numbers for some of the top schools in the US (the “2012” Top 50 National Universities according to US News). Check it out by clicking here, or by hovering over … Continued

Transfer Program at Harvard College Resumes

If you look at our table of transfer acceptance rates, you’ll see that Harvard’s rate says “0.0%.” That’s because the transfer program ceased to even exist, but now Harvard is accepting transfer applicants again. An article in the Harvard Gazette … Continued

Transfer Student Numbers on the Rise at Vanderbilt University

A really interesting article was published recently on, the website of Vanderbilt’s student newspaper. As you’ll note in our transfer admissions statistics, Vanderbilt accepts an unusually large percentage of transfer applicants (55.9%) versus freshmen applicants (25.3%). Apparently, this has … Continued

Why the Community College Transfer Process is So Complicated

More than 2.7 million people are in a community college in California. Plenty of these are students seeking just two-year degrees, but did you know only about 100,000 of those community college students transfer to a four-year school each year? … Continued