What happens after I pay?
In a few minutes, you will receive an email with a link where you can immediately download your purchase. The email looks like this:

Hi (name),

Thanks for your purchase! Your product(s) are available here:

(download link(s))

Receipt ID: (receipt number)


Please note, the download link(s) will expire after 72 hours. Be sure to save your purchases to your device!

Thanks very much!


Those links were generated just for you, and will expire in 72 hours. Let us know if you can’t download the materials (support@mindvine.com); this rarely happens.

Can I get a print version of the book?
Currently, we only offer digital versions of the book. This format allows readers to access information from the book immediately and use the search function to easily search key terms, like the name of a specific university. If you’d prefer, you can print the book entirely or just the parts that you need the most.

I’m having trouble opening the file on my iPad. What do I do?
When you receive each book, it will be in .zip format. The iPad doesn’t out-of-the-box support downloading and double-clicking on .zip files to get the goodies inside, but your computer does. One option is to download the file to your computer then send the .pdf file to your iPad. Alternatively, there are many free apps available for the iPad for downloading and managing .zip and other files. Here’s one well-reviewed free example: File Manager.

How do I load the book(s) onto my Kindle?
– You want the files that end with ‘.mobi’
– Turn your Kindle on
– Connect the Kindle to your computer using the USB cable that came with your Kindle
– Drag and drop the “.mobi” file(s) into the documents folder on your Kindle
– When the USB activity indicator on your Kindle stops flashing, “Safely Remove Mass Storage Device” (Windows) or “Eject” (Mac) the Kindle from your computer
– When the USB activity indicator on your Kindle stops flashing, unplug the USB cable from your Kindle
– The ebook(s) should now appear in your Kindle library

Problem still not resolved?
Sorry you’re having trouble! Contact our publisher at support@mindvine.com and we’ll get back to you really quickly!