Transfer Deadlines Table Added (UCs coming up pretty soon)

We just added a table that goes through the transfer application deadlines (for both fall and spring entry, if applicable) for some of the top schools in the US (the Top 50 National Universities according to US News). We also threw in – because, you guessed it, we love you – whether or not the college uses the common application and the application fee for each college (though bear in mind all the colleges listed accept fee waivers for financial hardship). (Starting to use a bit too many parentheses here, but we chose the image above because we thought it was appropriately ominous given the subject of deadlines.)

Check the table out by clicking here or by hovering over the “Stats” tab at the top of the page and clicking on the last option in the dropdown menu. Note that the transfer application deadline for all of the University of California campuses is coming up soon. (Nov. 30!)

Important note: ALWAYS CHECK with the college’s website to make sure the data is correct. We made every effort to be accurate, but things change and we don’t automatically receive updates from the schools. There are also more details available at each colleges’ website.

Random P.S. One of our readers posted a very nice review of our book here, on the blog for a class she’s taking at the university she successfully transferred to. Thanks Hannah!

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash